18th July 2013 - New Forest

It was back to the New Forest in July on the Raptor Rapture with Dominic Couzens in the hope of seeing some raptors.  The first to pop up was a Kestrel, which decided to hang around, leading to 'Another raptor over there...oh no, it's just the Kestrel'!  A couple of Stonechat showed off in the blazing sun and the next Kestrel turned out to actually be a Hobby.  There were hundreds of butterflies around including Silver Studded Blue.


A bit more of a wander led to the top of a hill, where we stood to scan the top of the trees for other raptors.  We were lucky enough to see Honey Buzzard - a first for the UK and Goshawk - a lifer!  That was a great trip and we were extremely happy (and sunburnt).


Trip list: 28
Year list: 167
Lifers of year list: 20


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