I was in Las Vegas for work for a week and wanted to get some birding in. I had arranged a trip to the Preserve early in the week but was, unfortunately, unable to attend, so the only other time I had was 2 hours on the Friday morning to pop over and have a wander around.
White-crowned Sparrow |
The second I got out of the taxi I was in a happy place! The Preserve is beautiful, the people there very helpful and there are so many birds! I failed miserably in the first instance though - I had completely forgotten to charge my camera and despite trying to learn the birds I might see before I went to the US, 70% of the birds I was seeing I couldn't ID and I only had a small amount of battery to take photos of said birds. Doh!
First Bufflehead! |
The first bird I saw was actually one I could ID - a
Verdin. Super pretty (and tiny!) bird and the only one of my visit. There were lots and lots of
Yellow-rumped Warbler, a bird I luckily already knew from my trips to Florida. I had been hoping to see
Gambel's Quail and there were plenty around, very quirky little characters. A
Northern Harrier spent most of the time I was there seemingly following me around and over that period of time it had a kerfuffle with both a smaller falcon type bird and a larger raptor, neither of which I could ID.
Northern Flicker |
A few of the other birds had stuck in my mind as they were a bit more obvious - so I instantly recognised the
White-crowned Sparrow as it hopped around on the ground near me, a
White-faced Ibis that flew past and the
Bufflehead swimming everywhere. The speedy trip was finished with a pair of
White Pelican sat in one of the pools.
I say finished, but whilst out in the car park waiting for my taxi I was suddenly surrounded by the tiny whirring wings of 6 or so hummingbirds (not sure if Anna's or Costa's - probably Anna's?). I was so happy when I got in the taxi I completely bored the poor driver talking about them for the duration of the ride back to the hotel!
Not at the preserve but a quick bird of note actually in Vegas - two
Nighthawk flying down the Strip, which was a bit cool! I wouldn't have had a clue what they were if I hadn't seen my first ones in Florida a month or so before.
I'll be back in both November of this year and Februrary of next, so I look forward to a few more trips to the Preserve where I can hopefully take a charged camera and also try to ID a few more!
I've stuck on a few awful photos of the ones I couldn't ID either at all or for sure - if anyone feels like assisting me, that would be excellent, thanks!
House Finch? |
Yellow-rumped Warbler? |
Suggestions for this on social media have been both Nashville Warbler and
Orange-crowned Warbler, but no idea how common they'd be around Vegas in November? |
Some sort of flycatcher? |
This was rustling round in the undergrowth for a long time, quite chunky. |
Also no idea. Some sort of sparrow? |
Yellow-rumped Warbler? |
Say's Phoebe? Was more orange in real life |