Of course my first time to the reserve I keep hearing so much about, Rye Meads, had to be in an absolute freezing downpour. Soggy Therese. It was pretty empty, both of people and of birds and with it being too cold to stay in a hide for very long, we weren't really seeing much. A few Little Grebe a few feet away from the hide were a good spot as we haven't been seeing very many this year. The other two notable spots were a hybrid (Baikal Teal and something else?) and a very puffy Kestrel. We then headed back to the first hide for a special late opening to see if we could spot the resident Barn Owls as dusk came. Unfortunately they didn't show, but who could blame them in that weather! Please excuse the impromptu scope photography!
Fluffy Kestrel |
Bizarre (but pretty) hybrid |
I also forgot to mention that when Stuart was filling out his bird book on the train there, he made a rather amusing error. I spent the rest of the day laughing at him.
Just in case you can't read that, it says 'Moot Swan' |
1) Chaffinch
2) Great Tit
3) Blue Tit
4) Dunnock
5) Robin
6) Carrion Crow
7) Blackbird
8) Greenfinch
9) Mallard
10) Collared Dove
11) Mute Swan
12) Shoveler
13) Canada Goose
14) Coot
15) Little Grebe
16) Pochard
17) Gadwall
18) Shelduck
19) Moorhen
20) Magpie
21) Herring Gull
22) Tufted Duck
23) Pied Wagtail
24) Lapwing
25) Black-headed Gull
26) Grey Wagtail
27) Kestrel
My year list for 2012 comes to 102.
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