When you get into the latter part of the year, it's always trips to get a specific bird rather than a general walk as we're trying to add to our year list! On this occasion we had actually intended just to go for a general bird walk as we were planning on teaching our lovely friend Naomi some waders, but the Great Grey Shrike down at Ramsgate happened to pop up on the alerts so we actually headed down there instead! The white house described was easy to find but a quick scan of the telegraph wires didn't bring up any sign of the Shrike. An hour of searching later, the number of birders had increased but there was still no Shrike. I had however made friends with a rodent that for some reason was up in a bush at eye level with me. We had the moment of staring at each other in shock before he dropped to the floor and scuttled off alongside the path. I think it may have been some sort of vole but having never seen one before, I can't confirm that!
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