Luckily the abysmal weather from the previous day had eased off a bit with just a few showers here and there. We went back to Brandon Marsh, a site we hadn't been to in 2 or 3 years, as there had been a good few sightings there that we were keen to catch up with. The walk down the first section of path was glorious, with the sun filtering through the trees and birds singing everywhere. A lone
Redwing hopped into a tree in front of us and a
Song Thrush was spotted in the next tree along. Then a
Bullfinch flew out of a tree to the left, followed by another...and another..and another and so on and so forth until 7 had flown! That's the most number of Bullfinch I'd ever seen together at once. The
Robin were all very friendly - to the boys. Both Stuart and Tristan had Robin fly right up to their hand but they wouldn't come anywhere near me. Thanks guys.
The path up to the Wright Hide was where we had been told the Lesser Redpoll had been sighted but we could only find
Siskin. There were three
Treecreeper together however, which was the best thing ever. I love Treecreeper.
After wandering around the rest of the reserve, we decided to have another quick walk along the Lesser Redpoll path. A gentleman we had been speaking to earlier was there watching something and beckoned us over. A group of
Lesser Redpoll mixed in with the Siskin, excellent!
For some reason, despite seeing 40 species, I only took a photo of a Robin. |
Trip list: 40
Year list: 95
Lifers of year list: 3
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