2nd March 2013 - Titchwell Marsh
It was decided it was time for a Norfolk trip. We usually go around in April, so decided to go a littler earlier this year to try and get some stuff before it left and then return for a longer trip for spring migration. The first trip on Saturday was to Titchwell Marsh. This, along with Dungeness and Pulborough Brooks, is one of my top 3 reserves. Great place and the weather was glorious - well the sun was out and it wasn't *too* cold. A Red-necked Grebe out at sea had come up on the pager about half an hour before we arrived, so we hot footed it down to the beach, stopping only to giggle at the reported 'Red Crested Grebe' on the board and to admire a female Long-tailed Duck. As we should have expected, the Grebe and the Black-throated Diver that had also been reported had moved on, but a multitude of Oystercatcher, Knot, Sanderling, Turnstone and Common Gull kept us amused. A slightly more leisurely stroll then took place back through the reserve, noting Grey and Golden Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Spotted Redshank and a Great Black-backed Gull. We then realised we were running late and didn't have time to see if we could find the Red-crested Pochard before we left. Close to the visitor centre, we stopped to have a brief nosey at what a small group of people were looking at and luckily, there she was, the Red-crested Pochard. Sorted.
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