In an attempt to cheer ourselves up, we drove up to Gloucestershire to try and find the Red-necked Phalarope. Luckily this little lady was having a great time swimming round and round the depth measurer stick thing, so we were able to watch her for ages. Lovely (tiny) bird. I also saw my first Lapwing chicks (and the fight that ensued when a Coot grabbed one of them) and the first Swift of the year. A Yellow Wagtail was also found by Stuart for me as I hadn't seen one this year and it was great.
Trip list: 37
Year list: 156
Lifers of year list: 17
Lovely lady Reed Bunting |
Loud male Reed Bunting |
L to R: Lapwing, Gadwall, Gadwall, Oystercatcher, Red-necked Phalarope. Honest. |
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