Have you been to
Pulborough Brooks yet? Get on with it if not! It's an amazing place. The Nightingales are having a great time singing at the moment seemingly everywhere and on the 22nd May and 11th June they're holding
Nightjar evenings.
Just sitting in the cafe garden produced 18 species, so you can have a lovely relaxing bacon sandwich filled bird watch before you begin your walk. A Buzzard high off in the distance drew our attention to a Hobby nearer. Rook, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw and Magpie were all in attendance in one field - now if we could just have a drop in of Hooded Crow, Chough and Raven...thanks!
The Nightingale were of course in high spirits on such a glorious day and singing around every corner. We think we counted around 9 in different places although of course these could be the same ones following us! A couple of Swallow flew over but there were no Swift - something I was hoping for there. Another good spot was a Garden Warbler although I was unable to get a decent photo of it.
Trip list: 46
Year list: 151
Lifers of year list: 16
White dove |
Nightingale |
The squirrels at Pulborough are very lazy |
<3 |
Jay |
Starling |
Goldfinch |
<3 |
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