The site itself is glorious and packed with birds. A suspiciously dark tern flew over, but without a better look I'm afraid that's gone in the 'Let's not think about it' pile. There were plenty of adorable babies about, in the form of Coot, Lapwing, Mallard and Redshank, so there was a lot of stopping and cooing from me. A few Garganey were floating around and it was nice to get a proper look at these great ducks. They are so small!
However, we had come for a specific bird (I know, I know, I said I wouldn't do that, but shush). A Pectoral Sandpiper had been seen here and never having seen one before, we decided to have a look for it. Luckily a lovely gentleman called Richard Thomas was on hand to direct us straight to the bird, excellent! It is a lovely bird and if it's still around when you read this, I'd advise going to have a look.
Trip list: 21
Year list: 161
Lifers of year list: 18
Garganey Photo by Stuart Nicol |
Pectoral Sandpiper Photo by Stuart Nicol |
Berry Fen Photo by Stuart Nicol |
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